
ETSI NFV Excellence Award to the study on new infrastructure resources for NFV

DOCOMO Euro-labs colleague Dr. Afaf Arfaoui received an NFV Excellence Award from ETSI for her contribution to the report on new infrastructure resources for NFV.

Dr. Arfaoui is rapporteur of the work item ETSI GR NFV-EVE 023 on new infrastructure resources, part of the NFV Release 6. She got the award in recognition for her outstanding contributions in leading this report, and the high-quality proposals which exemplify exceptional dedication and expertise.

The work item NFV-EVE 023 studies how to enable new dimensions to extend and evolve the NFV Infrastructure in terms of reachability, location, and mobility, resources distribution, and resources heterogeneity.

The report addresses new locations for infrastructure resources (e.g., data centers for non-terrestrial networks), new types of infrastructure resource (e.g., SmartNICs, metasurfaces) and new sources of infrastructure resources (e.g., Cloud hyper-scalers) that are becoming prominent for the development of future telecom networks.

The latest version of the report is available at the ETSI Portal at https://portal.etsi.org/webapp/WorkProgram/Report_WorkItem.asp?WKI_ID=68616