

DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH
Landsberger Strasse 312
80687 Munich, Germany

+49 (89) 56824-0



Managing Director
Mr. Itsuma Tanaka
Mr. Shinsuke Sawamukai

Commerical Register Number
District Court of Munich, HRB 132976

Sales Tax Identification Number

Responsibility for Content
We do not warrant or represent the accuracy, completeness and up-to-datedness of the content on our website. As a service provider within the meaning of § 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz – TMG) we are responsible for our own content in accordance with the applicable general laws. Service providers are, however, neither obliged to control or review the content they transmit or third party content stored by them, nor to investigate facts that may indicate the unlawfulness of such content. The Website may contain links to other providers’ websites. Upon following a link to such third-party website, you shall review and agree to that website’s rules of use before using such website. We have no way of controlling the content of other providers and exclude liability for content created or published by such Websites.