
One6G publishes the fourth edition of the white paper “6G Technology Overview”

One6G published the fourth edition of the white paper “6G Technology Overview”, including contributions from DOCOMO Euro-Labs.

The white paper “6G Technology Overview” analyses key enabling technologies towards 6G, such as next generation Multi-Input Multiple Output (MIMO), usage of Terahertz frequencies, Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC), Non-Terrestrial Networks in 6G, federated and distributed Artificial Intelligence (AI), Intelligent User Plane, In-Network Computing (INC), flexible programmable infrastructures, and enablers for sustainability.

DOCOMO Euro-Labs contributed to the sections on “Intelligent User Plan, In-Network Computing” and “Sustainability”.

In-Network Computing (INC) enables the evolution of mobile systems towards full integration of computation and communication capabilities embedded in the network. The White Paper’s section on INC proposes architectural solutions, with specific reference to the evolution of the 3GPP mobile network architecture. Moreover, one6G investigates potential performance gains for use cases involving computation-intensive latency-sensitive high-throughput applications, such as AI-based applications.

Sustainability is a fundamental topic for the design of the 6G System, which scope spans from enabling sustainable mobile network operations (both from environmental and economic viewpoints) to providing mobile solutions to supports a sustainable societal development.

The White Paper is available at the one6G website.

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