
1st Workshop on iNtent drivEn autonomouS neTwORks (NESTOR)

DOCOMO Euro-labs’ members are part of the organizing committee of the 1st Workshop on Intent Driven Autonomous Networks (NESTOR) organized in the context of the 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks ICIN 2024, Paris, France.

The NESTOR workshop aims to bring together researchers from both academia and industry to investigate challenging aspects in intent-driven management for the 5G and the future 6G systems, as well as to identify future research directions. Open issues and key innovations will be discussed for aspects related to Intent-based network management.

Dr. Kostas Katsalis (Vice-chair of ETSI NFV IFA WG) and Dr. Joan Triay (Manager at DOCOMO Euro-labs and former ETSI NFV Technical Manager) are members of the NESTOR workshop organizing committee.

Read more on https://www.icin-conference.org/nestor/