

The MEDIEVAL (MultimEDia transport for mobile Video AppLications) project, a 3 year project partially funded by the EU under the STREP umbrella has received an excellent feedback for its final audit in October 2013.

The reviewers acknowledged the excellent result of the project; in particular they well-recognized the impact of the project, substantiated by a high number of contributions in the scientific domain and the influential work in multiple standardization bodies (IETF, IEEE, 3GPP). Three demonstration scenarios have been shown and were very well appreciated as they highlight the high level of integration work and the multiple improvements enabled by the MEDIEVAL project.

Video is a major challenge for the future Internet. This traffic type already accounted for 51% of mobile data traffic by 2012 and is expected to increase 13-fold between 2012 and 2017. However, the current mobile Internet is not designed for video and its architecture is very inefficient when handling video traffic. It was the vision of the project that the future Internet architecture should be tailored to efficiently support the requirements of this traffic type.

Following this vision, MEDIEVAL proposed an evolutionary approach to evolve the current Internet architecture for efficient video transport. The technologies developed by the project take into account the requirements of network operators for commercial deployment, and aim at improving the Quality-of-Experience (QoE) by users, as well as reducing the costs for operators.

Within the framework of MEDIEVAL, DOCOMO Euro-Labs was actively contributing in work packages WP2 (Video Service Control), WP4 (Mobility), WP6 (Integration and Experimentation), and was leading WP5 (Transport Optimization). DOCOMO Euro-Labs also contributed the cornerstones of two demonstrations shown during the final audit:

– The first use-case scenario focuses on a Video-on-Demand service supported by HTTP streaming over a Content Distribution Network to users. It demonstrates the benefits of a novel mobility scheme for unicast traffic, based on distributed mobility management and path selection technology integrated with CDN caching.

– A second use-case scenario exhibits the benefits of QoE-based traffic engineering in the core network over a multi-operator Video-on-Demand service with active traffic congestion. It highlights the advantages of a MEDIEVAL domain over a non-MEDIEVAL domain in terms of improved overall QoE and demonstrates that both domains are compatible and inter-domain mobility is supported.

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