Engineering blog post on In-Network Computing
DOCOMO Euro-labs published an engineering blogpost on In-Network Computing in the NTT R&D Advent Calendar 2024.
ETSI NFV delivers first Release 5 documentation with key contributions from DOCOMO Euro-Labs
In September 2024, ETSI NFV has released the first drop of Release 5 group specifications and reports, where DOCOMO Euro-Labs members have contributed and led key new features.
One6G publishes the fourth edition of the white paper “6G Technology Overview”
One6G published the fourth edition of the white paper “6G Technology Overview”, including contributions from DOCOMO Euro-Labs.
One6G publishes the third edition of the white paper “6G Technology Overview“
One6G published the third edition of the white paper “6G Technology Overview”, including contributions from DOCOMO Euro-Labs.
DOCOMO Euro-labs at one6G Summit in Munich (9-10 Nov 2023)
The one6G Summit 2023 will take place in Munich on 9-10 Nov 2023, hosting keynotes and panels by thought leaders from industry and academia. The event is organized by one6G Association and sponsored by NTT DOCOMO.
1st Workshop on iNtent drivEn autonomouS neTwORks (NESTOR)
DOCOMO Euro-labs’ members are part of the organizing committee of the 1st Workshop on Intent Driven Autonomous Networks (NESTOR) organized in the context of the 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks ICIN 2024, Paris, France.
O-RAN Alliance and ETSI NFV joint workshop
On Wednesday 21 June, 2023, a joint workshop between O-RAN Alliance and ETSI ISG NFV took place during the O-RAN Alliance face-to-face meeting in Osaka, Japan.